The content creator economy has transformed various industries, including entertainment, consumerism, and marketing, while also reshaping career paths. It's no longer restricted to full-time influencers; professionals from diverse fields now straddle the line between offline and online, sharing their expertise on social media. Many aspiring hobbyists aim to monetize their creativity online. For a lucky few, social media careers become a reality, with some expanding into entrepreneurial ventures.
However, the influencer industry remains unregulated, posing legal risks and exploitation opportunities. It blurs the line between creative work and marketing, making it challenging to categorize. This regulatory ambiguity fosters various entrepreneurial opportunities, both positive and negative, within the influencer space. This raises crucial legal questions regarding influencer labour and qualification, challenging policymakers to devise effective regulations that support and structure the influencer ecosystem while addressing its complexities.
Anticipate the release of 'The Hashtag Hustle,' a forthcoming book co-edited by Prof. Dr. Isabelle Wildhaber, Prof. Dr. Christian Fieseler (BI Norwegian Business School), and Dr. Catalina Goanta (Utrecht University). This collaborative endeavour assembles a diverse and multidisciplinary team of accomplished authors, infusing the discourse with varied perspectives. Together, they offer a comprehensive exploration of the intricate realm of social media labour, ensuring a holistic and multifaceted examination of the subject.