Sponsoring Society of the Institute of Work and Employment Research at the University of St.Gallen

Sponsoring Society of the FAA-HSG

The purpose of the Sponsoring Society is to promote the FAA-HSG in the fulfilment of its tasks and to support its operating expenses with an annual contribution.
Members may be public administrations, associations, companies and individuals who undertake to promote the purpose of the society and to pay an
annual contribution by means of a written declaration of membership.
The Executive Board shall decide on the admission of members.

“The sponsoring society connects science and practice, which has become more important in view of the requirements and working methods of the working world 4.0. At the same time, we benefit from the open exchange of experience.”
Sabina Legowski, Senior Legal Counsel, Novartis Pharma AG
“The sponsoring society is a hub for various interest groups that benefit from the specialist expertise. The openly lived culture contributes significantly to pragmatic and appropriate solutions in our daily work.”
Stefan Studer, Geschäftsführer Angestellte Schweiz
“I really appreciate the uncomplicated professional dialogue in a collegial atmosphere. It is also a very good opportunity for cross-sector networking.”
Dr. Daniel Soltermann, Leiter Arbeitspolitik & Arbeitsrecht, HR Management Migros-Gruppe Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund
“The SGB is a member of the sponsoring society because we recognise the open, professional exchange between trade unions, employers and academia and can take away a lot for our everyday work.”
Dr. iur. Luca Cirigliano, Zentralsekretär, Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund (SGB)

Further information can be found in the downloads below.

Become a member of the Sponsoring Society of the FAA-HSG and get full access incl. a document search.

For more information, please contact:

Ms Christine Huonker
Tel. +41 71 244 2800


Click here to go to the protected Member Area:


Further information about the Sponsoring Society
(in German only)

Kurzportrait der Fördergesellschaft
(available in German only)

Our Board Members

State: June 2023
